© EastSide Jazz 2014  |  www.eastsidejazz.co.uk  |  info@eastsidejazz.co.uk  |  01353 669854  |  07971 550885  |  design by Sales & Marketing Services  jazz band Cambridge  |  jazz band ely  |  jazz band newmarket  |  jazz band huntingdon  |  jazz band saffron walden  |  jazz band st ives jazz band bury st edmunds  |  jazz band mildenhall  |  jazz band thetford  |  jazz band cambridgeshire  |  jazz band norwich jazz band norfolk  |  jazz band suffolk  |  jazz band essex  |  jazz band bedfordshire  |  jazz band hertfordshire
EastSide Jazz
Combinations for all occasions, venues and budgets..... If you are looking for a wedding band, party band, or classy corporate entertainment then EastSide Jazz are the perfect solution! We cover Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Herts and Beds and can provide various combinations of musicians to suit different venues and budgets, from classic jazz trio to the full sound of the sextet. We can even provide a disco service for after the main performance. The full band includes: female vocals keyboards/piano sax/male vocals drums guitar bass Contact us to find out more!
The band... ...for all occasions!

Call 07971 550885 or email info@eastsidejazz.co.uk